I've managed to accumulate a lot of photos in the past 5 yrs. And I'm not talking some "myspace-worth" shots either. I know that I'm one of many people who when they travel, or just leave the house, and see a gorgeous sunset or a nice bit of nature, that you feel compelled to take a photograph. Eventually these photos start to overrun your hard drive, and often spill over into external drives. You don't want to delete them, but at the same time, you need to put them "somewhere". I'd suggest you'd do, what I've been doing for 2 yrs now....Sell them online.
While you might not be the next "Ansel Adams", many sites will broker a nice picture of a skyline because someone out there needs it for some proposal, broscure, etc. These sites off the images "royalty-free" meaning that when they're purchased, you get paid a percentage of the sale ONCE for the duration of their license on the image. Meaning that you won't get a check for the rest of your life, but also that the person who bought it, can only use it while they have the rights to it. The image itself is owned by you unless you make a different arrangment with the company.
It's not necessarily a get-rich-quick scheme, but it's not impossible to make an extra $100 here or there depending on the quality and popularity of your images. And the only thing that's required is for you to fill out an "independent contractor's form" and provide a certain number of images that meet the website's standards. The "auditioning" process can often be the most tiresome portion of the whole ordeal, but should be accepted, will be a positive lesson in your favor.
Some sites you might want to take a look at are:
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